Thursday, March 12, 2009

memes ahoy!

Meme time, because Korea is fucking lame and still won't give us our Sorry Sorry MV. I expect it tomorrow, at the very least - the comeback performance is tomorrow night for crying out loud!

→ from [info]filterpaper

1. Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with.
2. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

SO TORI CAN'T COUNT. I got seven six things - but I'll do them anyway.

CHINA - Home, no matter what. It's a huge part of who I am, who my parents and family are. I love the country, the food, the language, Beijing, oh I love Beijing. I'm interested in its issues, I will always root for it and defend it, even though I can intellectually concede it has a lot of problems. I will always be biased towards it though. :) 永远祝福中国.
SLYTHERIN - I am such a Slytherin sympathizer. ;_; It comes from being a Draco Malfoy fan and a H/D fan. I know they can arguably be compared to Republicans, but they deserve a lot more humanizing characteristics than JKR gave them. I am all about the green-and-silver (best color combo of all of Hogwarts!) and I like cunning, ambitious people. That's not inherently bad. :) [info]sarahtales said it better than I could ever in her review of Deathly Hallows, and all those awesome H/D authors. Awesome, awesome fandom. ♥
SMART PEOPLE - HAHAH I WISH I WERE SMART. T_T I used to be, maybe, but I think I'm getting stupider and stupider as time goes by.
WRITING - I never think I'm as good as it as I'd like to be, but it's an integral part of who I am. Not writing for long periods of time will make me unhappy. I really should dedicate more time to it, try new things, but...well. Whether or not it's something I excel at, it's something necessary.
ME - TORI :3 :3 my younger self/wife/twin/taemin/sheepdog/war bride/etc. looove~
sekrit bitch tiems - ;) because sometimes fandom just deserves it

→ from [info]sapphira_angel
1. Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
2. Label which you would Marry, Fuck, and Kill.
3. Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
4. Post this meme with your answers.

MARRY: Jung Yunho - It was a hard decision but of the three, I think he's the one who's "grown up" the most. He's mature and responsible; he's had to deal with a lot as leader. But he's still cute and childlike on the inside - his smile makes me aww. It helps that he has a hot bod, haha, but the biggest factor going in his direction is his good heart and the fact that I think he's mature enough to be capable of handling a marriage. Plus, he'd be good with kids.
FUCK: Lee Donghae - Okay, like I was going to pass up a chance to sleep with this boy? Fuck me, he is so smoking hot, especially when he dances. He's adorable and sweet and sometimes surprisingly thoughtful and deep (especially in his answers regarding SJ and SJM's work), and I think he'd be a good lover. :) Plus, you know. alskdjfdl so fucking hot I love him so much askdjfld ♥ Grow up just a little bit more and when he's ready to put his career and fans aside, I think he'd make a fan-fucking-tastic father.
KILL: Kim Kibum - I'M SORRY KIBUM. Just. Just. You clearly have a shitload of issues to work through before I'd even consider you for marriage. You're still young, anyway, especially since guys mature slower? Ahahaha. If it helps, I'd totally sleep with him before I killed him...? Those arms of sex you know... Still. :(

[info]sapphira_angel was saying she was 98% sure that if she'd included Hankyung in my list, he'd be the marriageable one, lol. She's 100% correct. WAY TO NOT MAKE IT EASY ON ME, SAPPHY. :(

In conclusion, my thoughts on the SJ album:
1. WTF, need more fast dancey songs :(
4. I cannot tell most of these songs apart OH WELL

Went to Borders with [info]efio_47 today and did not recognize 80% of the manga there anymore. Damn, but it's been a long time. Also, they are stocking all the crappy stuff, I'm sure of it. WAY TO GO. One day I will get that last volume of Here is Greenwood...

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